Lifestyle Financial Planning

You shouldn’t settle for just a financial adviser, you need a Lifestyle Financial Planner. We wear 3 hats.

The first is that of a life planner. To identify exactly where you are now, how you got here, and, more important, where you to want to get to in the next 5,10,15, 20 years. Life is not a rehearsal, and precious time is slipping away, what we do is to identify exactly what you want your post-divorce to look and feel like.

Then, we then put on the second hat, the Financial Planners hat. Here we identify all of the financial resources available to you now, all of the resources becoming available to you in the future, and more important, all of the resources that you might NEED to become available , in order to satisfy the needs of your "life plan".

Next we put together a comprehensive plan which will show you what your financial future looks like - and what actions you might need to take as you aim to achieve the life you want to live.

Finally, when we've agreed on a financial plan if any financial products are needed to help satisfy the needs of your financial plan then we put on our third hat which is that of financial adviser, to identify which financial products or investments should be implemented to help achieve your needs and goals.

When we do the financial advice part of our role, we do it knowing and understanding what you are trying to achieve, therefore any products or services are for the right reasons.

Lifestyle Financial Planning is the future of financial services.

You deserve this.

The value of an investment with St. James's Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested.

What Ifs
During and after divorce there are so many "what ifs?". Working with a lifestyle financial planner helps you answer these.
Post-Divorce Bucket List
Divorce can be a chance to pause, to reassess and reimagine the life you want to live. In divorce, in your marriage, who did you not get to be?
Money Self-Care
Find out more.